La Cienega Valley Association

Protecting and preserving our acequia culture and agricultural traditions…

LCVA News – April 3, 2016

The LCVA Agenda for tomorrow’s Board is at the bottom of the page.

The Blue Bus

Here’s a link to the Blue Bus information and we encourage all residents to spread the word about the service. There are a number of stops in the community and the bus has morning, noon and afternoon runs that include connections to the Rail Runner. Please note that El Rancho de las Gollondrinas has graciously offered part of the museum parking lot for a “Park and Ride” opportunity for residents.

This is a six month trial to see if our community has the ridership to support regular bus service so it is essential that we inform all of our residents, neighbors, family and friends of this no-charge service. The new bus service has been made available by the folks from the North Central Rural Transportation District with special thanks to Jim Nagle.

Bylaws Amendments and Proper Notice

The LCVA Board will not be reviewing the proposed amendments to the LCVA Bylaws at the Board meeting tomorrow. The reason is that LCVA did not provide the 10-day notice required by the bylaws. At present our notice system includes an email distribution (about 200 homes/residents), posting at our four community notice boards (not sure how many residents read them), Next Door notice (about 55 residents) and posting them on our web site.

We got the email out but were not able to pull together the other three sources of notice. We apologize to our bylaws amendment committee for not acting on their careful and considered proposed amendments to the bylaws but I want to assure everyone that their work is not lost. The LCVA bylaws requires a well noticed “special” meeting later this year. So the proposed amendments aren’t lost just delayed.

This brings up an important question of how the LCVA provides “proper” notice for a community of 1,300 homes and some 3,500-4,000 residents. As noted above, in our current noticing process we may reach 250 homes on a good day, when proper notice would have been to ensure that every house in our community received the proposed amendments.

As Carl Dickens time as the president of the LCVA winds down, he remains committed to bringing back our community newsletter and would like to offer those services to the LCVA moving forward.

Shooting Range

Sarah Schlanger, the BLM Field Manager for our area, has assured our community that the BLM will hold an open process with community meetings to solicit community comment and input regarding the Department of Game and Fish’s proposed 150 acre shooting range and facility above Hipico Santa Fe in La Cieneguilla. The meetings are tentatively planned for June.

Please rest assured that the LCVA, with our residents support, will do everything it can do to move the shooting complex away from our community and other residential areas.

Proposed National Monument

The LCVA has recently learned that facilitator Lucy Moore has been hired to facilitate two community meetings (the County has apparently requested these meetings) for community input on the proposed National Monument. Ms. Moore is currently working on scheduling the meetings. The LCVA Board will be discussing our community expectations for meetings at the April Board meeting. We will keep you posted.

County Resolution

If you read the New Mexican, the day after the County Commission decided to table the Resolution designed to address the problems beaver have created on the Santa Fe River, you read some knee-jerk and uninformed comments from a representative of the Sierra Club. I can assure you that the Santa Fe River Traditional Communities Collaborative will respond with a detailed, informed and complete recounting of the problems created by locating beaver in an artificial wetlands with its sole source of water being treated waste water from the City of Santa Fe. Those are all facts.

Town Hall

Pending the availability of the La Cienega Community Center, Representative Stephanie Garcia Richard will be holding a “Town Hall” at 10 a.m. on Saturday May 21 to provide a summary of the last legislative session and solicit resident input on future legislation and funding requests.

Please expect more notices on the Representative Richard’s “Town Hall”.

Bob DeYoung

Finally with the posting of this email and a notice later this week of the LCVA Annual Meeting, Bob DeYoung is concluding his work of managing the LCVA web site and our Next Door community communication. The LCVA Board would like to express our sincere and lasting gratitude to Bob for his service to our community. This included helping us out for over a year after he moved to Albuquerque. Thanks Bob

The LCVA has identified a possible community resource to take over the management of the web site and will provide residents other opportunities to help support community communication.

La Cienega Valley Association Board Meeting
April 4, 2016 – 7:00 p.m.
La Cienega Community Center
Preserving Our Rural Way of Life

Call to Order
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of March Minutes
3. Matters from the Public
4. President’s Report
 a. Ideas for Funding for Water Monitoring – Goal of$3,000
 b. Community Meetings on National Monument
 c. Response to Proposed Shooting Range in La Cieneguilla
 d. Time Frame for LCVA to Submit Application for County Community Organization Recognition
 e. Getting the Word Out About Bus Service
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Newsletter Plans
8. Matters from the Board
9. Adjournment